

The world is filled with novelties and you never know what kind of invention or product you will come across tomorrow. These inventions are
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The world is filled with novelties and you never know what kind of invention or product you will come across tomorrow. These inventions are made for the betterment of society and hence, there should be no cost involved; but, the inventions also have a cost attached to them and the recovery of the same is vital. Making use of a business model for helping the society is known as Social Entrepreneurship, and Mr. Anand Pednekar and his son Adhish Pednekar are doing something similar that will not only help individuals but will also create the new avenues of business for many unemployed youths in the state. What Mr. Pednekar is doing will change the face of society, and will also help many people connected to it – either as consumers or business associates. This is one of the most interesting stories I have come across and I want to share the same with you.

Perhaps Mr Pednekar may not be doing something that nobody has done before; but, he is surely doing it in the way no one has thought of doing it like before. Mr Pednekar will help you unleash your potential, to explore the unexplored region of your mind – by way of reading the lines on your finger. Of course, Mr Pednekar is no astrologer or horoscope reader, but he has come up with the most innovative way to scan destinies through fingerprints. When I heard about the concept, I knew I had to meet Mr Pednekar to find out more about it, so that I can share the same with our readers. 


According to Mr Pednekar, this project is a need of the hour as competition is growing quickly and parents are worried about the future of their children. Once the child is out of the high school, there is a constant fear of the oblivion. But Mr Pednekar makes the claims that he can help the child find the right path that he or she will excel in. “Every parent spends a large sum on the education and upbringing of their kids, regardless of their income groups. They cut down on their own luxuries to see their children explore their interests; but what happens when a child realizes mid-way that his/her interest lies in something else altogether, not it the field that he/she is pursuing,” says Mr Pednekar. In fact, Mr Pednekar is right, by the time parents realize their mistakes, money spent on education has been wasted. This might not happen in every case but is also not uncommon either. “After realizing their mistake parents start pressurising their children to stick to what they have decided for them. But in such a situation, the child gets further discouraged and slowly starts losing interest due to disappointment and guilt,” informed Mr Pednekar. The tests that Mr Pednekar performs on his ‘Subject’ (student or parents) gives the clear indication of what the ‘he’ is capable or incapable of. “We have a very innovative way of finding what the children are capable of and in which field they will excel. It is a simple test which is done with the help of finger scanning and then the reports are prepared. The entire process takes around 10 to 12 days and once the reports if ready, we begin counselling.” According to Mr Pednekar, this test is purely scientific and does not have any elements of astrology or horoscope in it. The results of this tests are near 100% accurate claims Mr Pednekar. According to him, with the help of this test one can find out about the inborn intelligence of their child. “Whether he/she is a self-learner, imitation learner or effective learner, whether he/she needs a little push to achieve that milestone can be found out. With the help of this test you will be able to see through your child’s personality and provide him/her with the best platform accordingly,” he claims. Keeping the statement of Mr Pednekar in mind we can assume that this test will make everyone’s lives easier.


Now that the test has been discussed so much, let us find out what it is all about and why this test is necessary for everyone. “With the help of this test you can find out the grasping power and areas of the interest of your child, and save your child from getting trapped somewhere that he/he does not belong,” said Mr. Pednekar adding that it is too late when the teacher blames parents, who then blame the child for no mistake of his. The test which is also known as DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) is completely based on the scientific studies which take the data from your fingerprint patterns that help in understanding the potential & personality of an individual. “Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is based on an understanding of neuroscience, genetics, dermatoglyphics, psychology, and embryology. DMIT test Assessment method has been formulated by scientists and medical experts. It has been accepted worldwide. Medical experts confirmed that fingerprints provide an accurate analysis of humans, multiple intelligences, and inborn potential,” says Pednekar adding that, “DMIT can be used not only in the field of schools, colleges, and educational institutions but, also into the human resource management, children’s’  memory enhancements programs, career guidance as well as, career counselling, and the accuracy is almost 100%, because years of research has been invested in this.” The DMIT test not only finds out what kind of personality you have but, it also gives the clear indications of what type of learner are you. Whether you are auditory, visual, or reading/writing and kinesthetically. “These are the inborn style of learning,” says Pednekar. According to him, knowing the child’s style of learning makes things easier.  According to him, there are many branches to it. There are tests from which you can find out other areas of intelligence like musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body kinetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence & emotional intelligence. 

This technology came into the existence in 1980 but, it came to India very recently, and In Goa, it was started by him under the name of ‘Edu’s Buddy’. When I asked Mr Pednekar if this subject is correlated with Kundali reading he replied in negative. “Though kundli comes from ancient science, and are even in accuracy but, only if done by the right person. There is a demand for it, hence you will find many dhongi babas claiming to be the best person. If you compare this test with kundli, there is an elaborate explanation for your emotional, behavior, or why do you do a particular thing. This exactly tells you how to combat or enhance a good quality in you, or how you should be treated,” said Pednekar.


According to Pednekar, he is a professional authorised to carry out the tests. It is crucial to study the pattern of the fingerprints, and that needs professional training which Mr Pednekar and his son Adhish have gone through. There is no room for errors in this, hence they are very careful about the scans. He elaborated about how the analysis and the counts go into the software. But studying the fingerprints is done manually because every fingerprint is unique. Later the entire report is transferred to the computer and the final report is prepared. The analysis is one of the most important parts of this process. Mr Pednekar said that he built ships before entering into this business. “After I came across this concept, I was completely impressed by it, and I felt that people should be aware of this. I advise that every parent should do this test for their child because this is an investment for your child and not an expense. Parents spend so much regularly, they can spend a small amount, which is once in a lifetime amount of rupees 3,500. Even after he grows up, and becomes a father, has his own family, he can still refer to this report that helped him to get better by following the tips. As a parent, he will know how to tackle his child.”  When asked about the process, how the approach and the counselling, finger scanning starts he replied,  “We first explain the concept, and this test is not necessarily for the child, even adults can take it, it is for everybody. First, the scannings are done, which takes 15-20 minutes, and the reports come after 10-12 days, after which the concerned client or child is called for counselling. If it is somewhere far, we go ourselves.” 

According to Mr Pednekar, The best part of this test is the career guidance. “This report shows the parents, what their child is best at. Areas he is best suited for, the one he is born smart in and can excel in. The only thing the parent has to do is give him the best exposure and guidance, because the child already has the inborn smartness, all he needs is a spark, if you try to unnecessarily force upon the child in the areas he is weak in, the  child has to put it in extra and continuous efforts. And with this test, he can find out what he can be or is good at, and even enjoy excelling at it by effortlessly working on it.” says Pednekar. When I asked Mr Pednekar about his future plans, he replied “This business is for Adhish, because he is studying now, I do not want his attention to getting diverted, he is helping me to set his own business up. Adhish and I have gone through the same training, but only I have the certification for counselling.” he said.


This concept is very appealing, and also a need of the day. According to Mr. Pednekar with the help of this test peace in the family can be restored to a great extent, the family bodying improves, and stress level reduces between and parents and a child. “The is why we feel proud to have ventured into this Noble cause. This is not an expense but a wise investment with wonderful returns.”

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