Although it all started with the one family from the key containment zone in Goa getting infected with the COVID-19 virus that later resumed into the spread of the virus to the doctor and subsequent to other people of the vicinity. Now everyone knows from where it started but no one knows the actual source of it and that is the main task Goa government is doing now is finding the source of infection in the contentment zone of Goa.
Following the skyrocketing of the COVID-19 cases in the state, most of which obviously comes from the Goa’s only containment zone situated in the Vasco da Gama the state Government decided to find out the source of the infection that started in Mongor Hill area.
According to the sources, out of 353 samples collected on Wednesday from the containment zone, 32 were tested positive which is the highest in the state where total count was 40 for that particular day.
Based on the report published by the Indian Express, The state government has established contact with its Andhra Pradesh counterpart in the process of finding the source of the infection of COVID-19 that emerged in the Containment Zone in south Goa.
According to the statement made by the health secretary of Goa Ms Nila Mohanan, one of the members of the family that was tested positive in the containment zone was symptomatic for a long time but he did not go to check for Coronavirus and he was constantly interacting with the truck drivers that was coming from the Andhra Pradesh.
“The person in the family (which tested positive) who was symptomatic for a longer period compared to other family members is in the fish business. So he was constantly interacting with fish trucks coming from Andhra Pradesh. The godown he was going to was supplied primarily by trucks from Andhra Pradesh,” said Nila Mohanan, state health secretary.

After known this fact it became obvious to find out the source of infection as from where this person received it since there is no clear travel history available of the person. On Thursday 40 people were tested positive in Goa out of which 32 were from the containment zone that creates a serious concern making it a priority of the state government to find out the actual source of the infection.
The health secretary further stated that the contact has been established with the district administration in Andhra Pradesh and that efforts were on to identify the spread of the infection. “It’s not the same truck driver who came again,” she said, adding that the Goan resident in Mangor could have come in contact with more than one contact from Andhra Pradesh.
Meanwhile, according to the sources, the spread of infection could have controlled if the private practitioner who treated the patient would have reported the case to the concerned department for the COVID-19 tests.
The government is also looking at 400 fresh swabs collected on Thursday to assess if cases are decreasing. “These 400 swabs we collected today, if it shows a lesser number, then we can say cases are decreasing,” Mohanan said.
The reports further state that the amongst the 32 people from the containment zone the one who was found positive for the coronavirus infection on Thursday is the health worker who was active in the area under containment zone duties.
Meanwhile, the entire containment zone is sealed with the district administration ensuring that essentials are supplied to residents through helplines. A total of 2,000 residents live in the Mangor Hill containment zone, with close to half having been tested. The assumption will be based on the fact that the first set of 202 samples were from the immediate perimeter, with the radius extending to the outer rings of the containment zone as the number of swabs increased.