
Tips For The Healthy Eating Habits In The New Year

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Healthy Eating Habits
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As you settle into January and the joy that a new year brings along, don’t forget the resolution that you made at the start of the year. Last week we looked at the changes you can make in your kitchen when dishing up meals for yourself and your family. 

This week let’s look at behaviour patterns you could incorporate in order to help you stick to your New Year resolution. 

  1. Plan your meals: It may take a while before you get accustomed to the practice of planning meals for you and your family. Do it on the weekends – plan for the week ahead; it makes shopping easier and cooking faster too. Once you get the hang of it, it won’t take you more than 30 minutes to plan for the week ahead, making you healthier and happier. If you have children, include them in the planning process – that way you will eat healthy as a family as the little ones will be in tune with what you wish for them as well. 
  2. Shop wisely: What you feed yourself will depend on what you stock your kitchen and shelves with. Let not salties, biscuits, wafers, farsans, and sweets be on your shopping list. Instead, include (unsalted) nuts, seeds, dry fruits, (baked) khakhra, roasted channa, and chikki. Cut down on preserved, frozen, and canned foods – make their consumption a fortnightly or monthly affair. 
  3. Control your mind: Do not cave in to what your heart desires too often. Let your mind and body tell you what’s right to eat. Emotions are often the reason for us making the wrong food choices; be wary of them. And again – if you have faltered, just stay on top of it all by reminding yourself that dietary changes take long to come by, but once they’re set you are well on your way to success. 
  4. Work on one habit a month: Do not try and incorporate all changes at one go. Decide what is the easiest to do – master it – and then move on to the next. By the end of the year, you’ll have a whole new set of eating habits that will be yours permanently. 
  5. Remind yourself of your resolution: Print your commitment to make your dietary changes and stick them up at a prominent place in your home so as to be a reminder of what you wish to achieve by the year end. 

Keep up the healthy resolution! Enjoy the year 2021! Let it be one filled with new learnings and discoveries that add the life to your years!   

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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