
Start A New Beginning, New Resolutions and The New Chapter With 2021

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Beginning of 2021
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2020 was totally occupied by the pandemic. Too many lost their loved ones too soon. Some had a hard time while some got the best out of it. Some discovered new skills, some improvised their talents whereas some stayed low-key. Now, 2020 is in the past and we have entered a fresh new year, 2021. When we step into 2021, we start a new chapter in the book of our life. Every new year, people tend to set resolutions and goals. 

We set resolutions to work on our career or passion, learn new skills, give more importance to family and friends or to be better versions of ourselves.

“Being a new year, I’m working on my passion for creating music and have decided to start releasing music more often as compared to last year. This means that by the end of the year, I’ll have discovered new skills and learned things that I probably don’t know right now,” stated Jaden Maskie, a well known 19-year-old budding artist from Goa.

Getting to enter a new year is a new chance to live a better life, a new opportunity to work on your talents. When we start to work on something we wait for a fresh start, the first day of the week or month but this time it is the first day of the year to start from.

“Personally, I have no particular expectations for this year, but I suppose my resolution would be to take better care of my health and stay in touch with my friends and family more. I think if there are some lessons that we’ve learnt during this global pandemic is just how precious family and health are to us, and I want to focus on that in 2021,” says Shayal Devi, a student.

Many have lost their loved ones in 2020 due to the dreadful virus. We should be grateful for us and our loved ones existence. 2020 has taught many of us that future is unpredictable. The person we talk to usually is gone the next day. Being busy with our school/college or work, we have forgotten to pause for a moment to spend time with our loved ones and to appreciate the things we’re blessed with.

It is not always necessary we set resolutions to learn a new skill, we can also set resolutions to remind ourselves to appreciate the existence of our friends and family.

“I think it’s up to the person to set their own goals and resolutions that they feel comfortable with. I don’t think there should be any pressure about setting any goals or resolutions because unless an individual is fully committed towards achieving something, they will end up breaking their resolutions after some time,” she further adds.

We need not compulsorily set resolutions. Resolutions are just a way to start the new year on the right foot but you can do it without setting resolutions as well and live in the moment. One can spend the year doing what they want in that particular moment.

But living in a world like this, where everyone is fighting for their rights, we need to learn to understand the difference between right and wrong. We have seen many protests that took place back in 2020. We must live for our rights, raise our voice against the wrongdoings to make sure we can live better and safe tomorrow.

A must resolution for 2021 is; to be humane.   

Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels 

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