
This Christmas Goa Traffic Police Gives Chocolates Instead of Challans to the Traffic Violators

You may be surprised to read this headline and wondering as to why Goa Police have become chocolate distributors, you are right it is
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You may be surprised to read this headline and wondering as to why Goa Police have become chocolate distributors, you are right it is surprising news but it was limited only for the Christmas which is already over. But the Goa Traffic police have done the commendable job by educating people becoming a Santa Clause and if they carry on this attitude in the new year it will help many to learn the traffic rule in a real sense, Will it?

To keep the Christmas spirit high this year Goa police decided to turn into Santa Claus and distribute the chocolates to the traffic violators instead of issuing the challans to them. This way they decided to educate the violators about the traffic rules at the same time keeping the Christmas spirit bright.

Various cities across the state saw police dressed in a Santa Claus attire educating the traffic violators, they also distributed chocolates and educated motorists and two-wheeler riders about traffic safety regulations.         

“We intercepted violators and educated them about their safety. We used the occasion to spread the message in our own special way,” inspector Brandon D’Souza of Panaji traffic police said.          

While several two-wheeler riders were found wearing helmets without the mandatory ISI mark or without strapping them on properly, motorists were found driving without putting on their seat belts, he added.    

“We are thankful to the traffic police for educating riders and motorists in this unique manner. This is the right way to convey the message,” one of the riders Sandra Alvares said.

Several pictures of the awareness drive were shared on the official Twitter account of Chief Minister of Goa. In the pictures, traffic cops are seen dressed as Santa Claus and showing traffic-related posters to the violators.

The job of the police is very demanding, while everyone was busy celebrating the Christmas, traffic police were doping their duty in the state by educating the violators, perhaps this will help in improving the image of cops in the state. 

Source: News 18

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