Will the promises to restore the garbage strewn Mala Lake be fulfilled post elections?

The bone of contention of campaigning politicians, Mala Lake continues to consume the filth and garbage of the city. It remains to be seen
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The bone of contention of campaigning politicians, Mala Lake continues to consume the filth and garbage of the city.  It remains to be seen whether promises will be fulfilled and this once beautiful lake restored to her former glory

The once beautiful Mala Lake continues to reel under neglect despite several promises being made to restore it, especially during election campaigns.  Restoration of the lake has actually been a bone of contention with rival politicians during campaigning, but once elections are over, everything comes to a standstill like its stagnant waters.

The beautification of this lake, as well as the shuttle-market by the North Goa Planning and Development Authority (NGPDA), was shelved half-way, after retaining walls were erected and an un-tarred road constructed. The waters of the lake, which were decades ago were used for drinking and farming purposes is now consumed with garbage, sewage and has become a rampant mosquito breeding site.

In a report on ‘Titos Goa’ website, residents point out that the area around the lake is overtaken by wild shrubs and trees, which are growing unabated, making it look like a jungle.

Further, the report states that the water of the lake which runs deep is polluted, making it a breeding ground for mosquitoes.  The nauseating stench emanating from the lake and the absence of light around the lake makes life unbearable for residents living in the area.

Flooding during continuous rain was a regular phenomenon, with the lake overflowing and gutters blocked.  However, residents say this has reduced or stopped after the construction of the retaining wall.

Furthermore, according to report, residents claim that in the absence of maintenance, the lake has been converted into a night revelers spot, with frequent drunken fights breaking out and police failing to take any cognizance of these incidents.

Image Source: TravelMyGlobe

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