The recently sworn-in Chief Minister of Goa Shri Manohar Parrikar made the statement in the media that, there will be no differences between his party (BJP) and allies (GF + IND) and we will try to preserve the “Goenkarponn”. Mr. Parrikar who came down to Goa from Delhi giving up the post of defense minister wants to regain the power back in the state. Despite being the second largest party in the state, BJP had made the claims of forming a government with the help of regional parties and independents.
According to the sources, in one of the interviews to TOI, when the reporter asked him, “You are known to be a master of cobbling up coalitions. Considering the disparate groups who have come together, don’t you think it will be very difficult to run this coalition government?” Mr. Parrikar said, “I don’t feel it is difficult to run this government, otherwise I would not have done it. In fact, we could put the alliance together in less than 24 hours. Rather, in 16 hours we got the support letters and we went to the governor to stake the claim. So much level of confidence only Mr. Parrikar can display as he is known to be the most intelligent politician of Goa. (source)
Meanwhile the former defense minister of India who took over as the 13th Chief Minister of Goa on Tuesday he said that his government will work together to preserve the “Goenkarponn” (Goem, Goenkar, and Goenkarponn) to bring the all-round development in the state. Following the swearing-in ceremony, Parrikar told the media that, all regional parties have supported BJP for the development of the state and to preserve the “Goenkarponn”. “It is they who wanted me to run the government and they gave letters of support specifying that they will support the government only if Manohar Parrikar heads it,” the chief minister said. He said two more ministers from BJP will be sworn in when he expands his cabinet in April. Parrikar also said the state budget will be presented on March 25.
However, Mr. Parrikar did not want to spare any opportunity to target the Congress stating that Congress is scared of losing their candidates and hence they decided to come on the bus. “Congress came to meet the governor on a bus. The reason they came in a bus was because they were scared that if people come by car, then one of the cars might disappear on the way. They got all 17 in a bus proving that they have only 17. The mandate is fractured, I agree, but if every fraction comes together, we become 22 MLAs and if you count the vote share of all the parties then it will cross 50%.” he said.
Meanwhile, the congress leader said that it is good for him (Parrikar) to become the CM for two days as they (Congress) is anyway going to prove their majority on the floor within the time frame proved to them by the Governor of Goa. Replying to the remarks of Congressman Parrikar made his usual counter remark (for which he is famous for) saying, “This government will last for 365 days multiplied by five years.” When the media asked Mr. Parrikar as what are the major priorities of his government at the moment, he replied saying “Proving the majority on the floor of the House is my first priority. Due to Congress infighting, despite having 17 seats, not a single political party offered support to them to form the government in the state,” he said.
Mr. Parriakr hinted of preparing the common minimum programme within one months time to run the coalition government in the state. According to the sources, Mr. Parrikar had to take oath twice as the first time he did not use the word chief minister while taking the oath. It was immediately noticed by Union minister Venkaiah Naidu and additional solicitor general (ASG) of India in Supreme Court Atmaram Nadkarni. Union minister Nitin Gadkari rushed to the stage and asked Parrikar to take the oath again.
If you look into the past it is very much evident that there is a huge difference between the ideologies of BJP and Goa forward and the same will be the hanging sword above the head of Mr. Parrikar all the time when the media asked him as how he will manage to bring the balance between the two and run his government, Mr. Parrikar said, “There are differences everywhere. For example, even in the case of a political set up, within a political organization itself, there may be ideological differences. Basically, there would be ideological differences between two political parties. But they can work out the common programme. Here, in our case, too, we will come out with a common minimum programme.”