Social Distancing – Using it to strengthen your bond with your partner

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We are finding ourselves amid unprecedented times, where none of us know what is going to happen next. This mere uncertainty about future events is enough to send us in a tizzy. One of the most popular words around the world at the moment is, ‘Social Distancing’.

World leaders, medicos, and healthcare workers are constantly emphasising upon the need to maintain a safe distance from people all around us, and not just those who are displaying symptoms of the coronavirus infection but also those who could be possible carriers of the disease but are not showing any symptoms.

While it is very natural to feel gloomy and anxious right now, there is always a silver lining to every situation. If you are married and/or live with your partner, you may have suddenly found both of yourselves at home 24*7. Think back to the time when you craved for spending more time at home, doing things with your partner, or perhaps longed to snuggle with your spouse?

Even though the circumstances are not ideal, nature has given you that time now; so make the most of it. After all, once the “routine” life resumes, you are going to look back at this time and once again find yourself craving free, unstructured time.

Here are some fun things to do at home with your partner, as you wait for the world around you to go back to routine:

  1. Vacation at home: Even though we are working from home, we clearly have more flexible schedules as compared to when visiting the office. If you ever craved for a vacation with your partner, now is the time to simulate that much sought after vacation time. Ask yourself the question, “What would I have done on a vacation, besides sightseeing?” Would you have grabbed a beer and watched the sunset? Or would you have snuggled under a blanket and read a book together? Create a relaxed atmosphere at home, away from social media and try doing these things. You will be surprised at how easy it is to bond even amid your daily surroundings.
  2. Do things together: This remains the mantra at all times, and you will find this advice in all my articles. Do things with your partner, that you both will like doing. Binge-watch web series, movies, cook, meditate, the list is endless. Use this time to connect within your relationship.
  3. Go for a walk downstairs in the building or in your own garden. Living in Goa, the low density of the population comes as a blessing at this time. Instead of socializing with others, socialize with your partner, within the confines of your home and nearby surroundings.
  4. Exercise together: If you and your partner are missing your gym routines, make it a habit to exercise together at home. Help each other out with the difficult gym routines, and bond over it.
  5. Get the word across: Are there things that you wish your partner would learn to do? For example, clean their wardrobes or the pile of papers, or learn to cook? Use this forced time at home to not just clean / redecorate the house or learn something new by yourself, but get the word across to your partner too, and involve them in these things.

So focus on the present and make the most of this time with your partner! Once the world engulfs you all over again, there will be little or no time to do this.

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