Goa police have turned to the social media messaging app to combat the criminals who rob the bike and car rented by them from the car/bike rental companies in Goa. According to the police records, the theft of the case has shown a stiff growth recently. To begin with, the capital city police of Goa have started the messaging Group and soon the same will spread across the state.
The state of Goa receives millions of tourists from all over the world and many of them use the services of renting a car or bike in the state for commuting. Due to the lack of strong public transport network in Goa, the only option remains in front of the tourists are either hire a taxi or rent a bike.
There is no label stuck on the head of the customer that they are criminals and hence it is very difficult to find out who is genuine amongst them and to avoid this confusion the Goa police has decided to create a group on the messaging app.
According to the sources, Police have created a group on the messaging app and added all Panaji-based rent-a-bike and rent-a-car operators and directed them to upload photographs and identity proofs of their customer to help them check for any criminal records using the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS).
The police have a stronger network compared to any individual and in case theft takes place the image and id proof of the culprits will help the police track them fast. The information provided by the rental services will also help police in the detection of criminals making use of Goa as a hiding place.
There is a tremendous demand for bikes and cars from the tourists coming down to the state from various places and the vendors many a time illegally rent out their private vehicles to make some money.
According to the reports, it has been found that there is a stiff growth shown in the theft of bikes and cars. “During the last couple of days several rent-a-bike and rent-a-car theft cases have been reported at the Panaji police station,” Police Inspector of Panaji town police station told the TOI.
In many cases, police said they had found that those hiring the vehicle had submitted fake id proofs. In some other cases, police found that the vehicle had been abandoned.
“Among those who have reported thefts are also those who rented their private two- and four-wheelers,” Panaji PI Sudesh Naik added.
According to the reports, Panaji police on Friday held a meeting with rent-a-bike and rent-a-car owners during which they cautioned them from renting out vehicles without collecting photographs and identity proofs from customers as the data is of vital importance in case need to track someone arises. Police asked rent-a-car and rent-a-bike operators to strictly maintain a register with identity details of all their clients.
The system adopted by the Panaji Town Police will also help the other police stations across the state and there is a possibility that more police stations in Goa will adapt to the new practice to track down the criminals.
Source: TOI