The tourism of Goa had suffered drastically in the past five years with the former minister doing nothing but overseas trips at the cost of government’s expenses but now with the new coalition government into the place, the stakeholders of the tourism industry of Goa see the possibility of change in functioning of the tourism ministry in Goa.
According to the sources, the major stakeholders of the Goa’s tourism industry were unhappy with the functioning of the earlier tourism ministry which they said has failed to deliver on many counts. but now with the change in government (the coalition government), Tourism stakeholders of Goa including the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC) and The Department of Tourism are expecting the brighter future for the industry with the new government in place in Goa. Many of GTDC’s big ticket projects such as amphibious bus services, sea planes, and helicopter services are on hold due to various reasons. Also, the multi-level car park facility has not become functional yet.
Savio Messias, president of Travel and Tourism Association (TTAG), said many infrastructure projects of the GTDC have been slow in taking off and it doesn’t bore well for an international tourist destination like Goa. Beach shack operators, especially those who have been in the business for over two decades are also upset with the government for not giving in to their demand of formulating a special policy for traditional beach shacks.

Savio Messias, president of Travel and Tourism Association (TTAG), said many infrastructure projects of the GTDC have been slow in taking off and it doesn’t bore well for an international tourist destination like Goa. Beach shack operators, especially those who have been in the business for over two decades are also upset with the government for not giving in to their demand of formulating a special policy for traditional beach shacks.
Stakeholders are also unhappy with the government for not setting up the tourism promotion board. “The proposed tourism promotion board is in stark contrast to what we had suggested. It comprises government officials from the tourism department, GTDC and tourism secretary with one or two professionals. We will end up creating another government body,” said a trader, who did not wish to be named.

The tourism association had suggested that the board, like the ones that are operational in other international tourist destinations, should comprise professionals with little or no scope of interference from the government. “What has been proposed in draft tourism policy is the creation of another body which would overlap with the functioning of GTDC and tourism department. If that is the case, it’s better not to have a similar body,” the trader said. Some stakeholders feel that not much attention has been paid towards spending by GTDC on travel marts and road shows. “An audit needs to be conducted to ascertain percentage increase in tourist arrivals,” he said.
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