Everything You Need to Know Before Visiting Goa

Goa is one of the most sought after holiday destination on everyone’s bucket list and this article will be helpful if you are planning
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Coming to Goa
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The identity of ‘Goans’ is enough to tell the difference. The Portuguese’s 450-year rule reflects a unique blend of East and West dimensions by introducing their religion, belief, festivals, culture, and literature. Yes, it’s party time! But, if you don’t want to become a muse for endless jokes, hold your horses. This is the perfect solution to Goa’s dangers, including everything you need to know before going to Goa. Read till the end.

On The Beach After 5 pm

Do not desire more wave time after the sun goes down. Continue to stay in your shack or hotel. There are risks of accidental drowning. You may be required to spend the night at the police station for legal reasons. Never go swimming while tipsy or overworked, as you may drown.

Red flags denote Beaches have no-swimming zones on either side, so avoid going out in these dangerous areas.

DO NOT SLEEP ON THE BEACH unless you want to wake up with snappers and crabs on you!

The Art of Littering

Littering on Goa Beach

Goans are concerned about polluted beaches. Locals want the business, but they also enjoy their beaches. Goa was the least polluted state in the country 20 years ago. Plastic and water pollution are now widespread in this area. The seawater has even changed colour as a result of it. Littering or spitting in this lovely city stings, both physically and mentally. Don’t spoil those beaches for others. Instead, please make good use of the countless garbage cans.

Those Taxis are Tempting

Unless it’s prepaid from the airport or the railway station, taxis do not use metres or tariff cards. These, like rickshaw wallahs, are legendary for burning a hole in your pocket. Instead, rent a bicycle or four-wheeler for yourself. If you don’t want to ride/drive, you can take advantage of the bike taxis. These will be much less expensive for you! Traffic cops are everywhere, and they levy hefty fines for no reason so follow traffic laws and do not cross the white line. Do not drink and drive recklessly in order to risk yourself and others.

Beyond the Beaches:

The overcrowded beaches to relax on are Baga, Calangute, and Vagator however, You can visit forts, churches, temples, lovely gardens, historic caves, and so on. There are numerous unexplored and unspoiled beaches to visit. Goa is also well-known for its thrilling water sports, and it is the ideal location for you. Go on an adventure!

Get That Focus Right

Take photos of the breathtaking sunsets, beaches, and monuments. However, avoid taking photographs of people you don’t know. It could land you in hot water. Many girls dislike this, and Goans do not want to make a mess of it.

Staring, Please NO!

No Staring on Goa Beach
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Obviously, there will be people walking around in their chicest style of dress. But that doesn’t give you the right to stand on the beach and stare at people with, almost creepy eyes. Just take a look and then let it go! You don’t want to come across as rude or obnoxious. Foreigners should be allowed to relax and sunbathe, and others should respect their dignity and privacy. Don’t make a fool of yourself! As a result, Indians are prohibited from visiting certain beaches and locations.

It’s The CHEAP Alcohol

Of course, you should have a good time and get wasted, but do so responsibly. Every 100 metres, there is a bar. On special occasions, most Goans drink wine or feni. It is normal for Catholics to drink wine and beer at church functions. You don’t want to lose your cool and start a fight with the locals, because they won’t take it well. And, no drinking and driving! other than that mornings would be a nightmare too.

Spend your time on secluded beaches or in front of seaside properties/restaurants. Don’t save everything on your bucket list for your first visit. There should always be a reason to visit Goa. Finally, please do not leave plastics or garbage lying around. Let us try to keep it as pristine as possible.  

Photo by Ravi N Jha

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